Added phrase support

Now, the relevance hierarchy may include both individual words and phrases occurring at least twice in analyzed texts. To enable the phrase support, select the Phrase option in the input column.


Article on the practical use of Slovotext

The Language Studies and Modern Humanities journal by Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia issued an article on the use of Slovotext and the original study of 2019. For more information, please use the link: https://languagestudies.ru/index.php/main/issue/view/5


Shakespeare‘s vocabulary

Assessing the size of Shakespeare‘s vocabulary based on his 37 canonical plays. Please use the following Youtube link: https://youtu.be/idqA--5DjVw


Slovotext goes online

The Slovotext Web application is now online in the test mode: collecting your feedback and suggestions to improve. Please use the contact email in the footer.
